Thats me...

Thats me...
When i was standard 6 October..

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lol....gotta admit is a fun day..^_^

Might have very things to say bout today but..ill just continue.... usual go to school bla bla...take something from my friend then...go classs study..then..after school...2 of my friends..brought their i join them...and play along... while playing...we went to the canteen of the chuirch property...while playing it was so hot so i try on the fan..then ann asshole guard....came p to me ..and say...why u on the fan...u know now the bill of electricity...very told..okok..i tutup...then...i turn around a show an unseen middle finger to that...had no choice have to go other place..coz no fan...can die wan go to one classroom...everyone was like...finally got some wind...later on..paly paly lor...after makan....i belanja them....lah..coz 2 linggit.oni lah...after sit LRT...with one of my was so space to move...but have to squeeze..then more came in...then next stop even more came friend that was holding the guitar...was like...dont touch me...after 10 minutes of misery .... finally all of them went out..... at the same station as i was....and i was like....YEAH!!!...but then..when i want to give the ticket...i saw the line..was like.over the long...and that took...5 minutes....later...finish..sit TEXI...go home...mandi..sleep,eat, and now writing this hope u enjoy....coem back for more...posts..^_^./..xD

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