Thats me...

Thats me...
When i was standard 6 October..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Best camp EVA!!!!

For the past 3 days i have just attend the 1st KL Boy's Brigade Boot Camp 2010..and it rock.!!!! although had alot of punishment...which is we deserve it....well..had alot of fun... and i hope that all the boot campers will never forget what they learned in boot camp..especially those who join this year.... and TARGET exam was held on kinda easy but abit hard..weird..?!?! but i made a stupid spelling mistake.. but hope that Mr. Cheong dint see the spelling just read then gimme a full mark..So... ill pray hard...AND TO ALL COMmity member... thx for teaching us..and help the boys to the correct way of THE CORRECT can help to train your arm streagth u wont feel so pain when u do push ups next time..^_^...well. thats all...THX!@!!

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