Thats me...

Thats me...
When i was standard 6 October..

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yo everybody!!!

Okay .. how to start this? ermm.. yeah so i just found out that I'm gonna be singing infront of over 1k + people at wesley methodist university....WOW!! I'm so excited ...  and its founders day...The Boy's Brigade Founder's day !@!  yeah...  so we'll be basically singing 5 songs which is the time has come, kings of majesty,hossana, and the other 2 i 4get..sorrry..los...bad memory..>.<  they will be like 4 musicians which is the lead guitar= shon sern , rythm guitar= shon yin.( bros) bass guitar = kar fei drums= yong qian and the singers will be at the number of 4 singers. And they are offcourse me, benny tham, johnny tham, and jun kit.  the singers are all from PESTA SO U GUYS ARE GONNA HAVE THE BEST SONGS EVER BEEN SINGED!!  XD... well..not to mention bout the musicians..they are also very good.... the best in a musician myself actually but i'll take my chances to play and my chances to sing.... since were lack of singers so i took the singeing job and gave someone else the guitar job.So...what else to tell u guys ermm... and yeah! were lack of amps and a bass guitar actually=.= dunno why the bass guitar knows how to play the bass guitar but don't own one..but nvm..anyone can help me..i mean, us to find amp for the bass and elec guitar and borrow a bass guitar just for one day..T_T...your help is really appreciated ..>.<

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