Thats me...

Thats me...
When i was standard 6 October..

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Should i...?? actually i want too very ??!!!!..T_T

Since Pesta ended i start think about a girl....which is the girl i like...but... somethings blocking my way..and theres a problem too...i barely talked to her...see her...and met her...  ive only seen her for like...4day or 5?? not long...but i dont know why i can let go of her....  i want to have much,,,,.. but if u just let me talk to you..and tell u wad i feel bout you..mayB we can be atleast best friend... then continue growing until it is the rite do wat is right to do....  well...please..gimme a chance...and u know that girl....  help me..and i mayB can help u too...

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