Thats me...

Thats me...
When i was standard 6 October..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

One heck of a shirt!!

lols....i just found out..that i have the zon bangsar t shirt for 2008,2009,2010.
lol.s...those shirts brings back lots of memorable memories...that can never be forgotten....
well...its stays in my mind all the time
especially the friends i made in those years.... they will always be my friend..and the first girl i liked... was in 2008..and i still saw her in 2010 after so long!
well..thats it for gals..xDD  ...
im talking memories ......  sometimes....the things u wanna 4get u remembered and the thing u want to remember is forgotten...well...  but for the one i just talked about ...  is like that memory is so memorable untill its like part of my life... i will everyday think about it... never forget...

Once in a life time....means theres no second do it ..or its now or never...

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