Thats me...

Thats me...
When i was standard 6 October..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

UPSR Results and Rewards im expecting....!!

OK...i dunno how to start so... ill just move on telling......- MY UPSR results are not so bad and not so good....i get 4A me its good enough for me to i was expecting a new handphone but ...parents dun let buy...coz i got a W810 already so ... its also quite good.. and the one i expecting is W995 ..its price is 1.4k !!!!

so damn mahal ... !!!! so i got nothing..but maybe ill get new shoe or a ( TUX ) for my opinion..not that i will get it....thats wat i haih...

1 comment:

  1. i cant c anythin.. maybe add a little colour to ur post? just commentin
