Thats me...
When i was standard 6 October..
Friday, December 31, 2010
Jerks... ==
Okay.... today i slept at 6a.m. and wake up at 12p.m. yeah... so i feel kinda sleepy yeah anyways... today i was quite shocked that someone dint tell me anything that there are making a cover.. hmmmm that was.. something.. yeah.. and i think that they dint do quite well...yeah.. because... i know the singer... cant sing it but he force himself to reach that peach.. =.= no offence though.. seriously... your not singing with your heart.. your screaming.... DUH....u always do... anyways... yeah... thats about the COver.. which i can say its a failure.. . after that i went to the hospital to see my granddad.. he seems fine from wat i saw.. and i hope he will spend his time left on earth doing wat he wants to... yeah LATER ON... i went to my cousins house to have a dinner.. for Countdown but... turns out im already at home typing this.. when its not even 2011 yet.. so.. anyways.. yeah thats all...
Monday, December 13, 2010
Never stop doing wat u want to do to get wat u want in your life... Just do it. with the "Nike"
To think that ... i... dint get what i want fo rmy life, thats stupid. Since june.. i thought that i can do it. Turns out to that i failed.. And my friend in the other hand just met somone... that someone is the thing i wanted in my life.... for just less then 2 months... he did wat i failed to do.. To me.. that sound like im a total failure...=.= And now.. im thinking and hoping that i can do it one day... instead of failing.. and sacrificing 7 months of my life just to do anything to get close to you.. talk to you.. anything...<<<<<<<<<<___>>>>>>>>>> But I'm sure that that person is gonna be fine... with or without me .. thanks and hope u guys go well..:(
Friday, December 10, 2010
I hate is ......... i dun get you.... y u hate me~~!~~! tell me
Recently.... i got a friend.... a friend thats always waking me up when im asleep.... fun to chat with... very funny... and also known as my sister... its name.. cannot be told coz.. it mayB reading this rite now... but i just wanna say ... or mayB ask... wat did i did wrong that made u so angry and hate me so much... did i did something wrong which i dint notice? gosh.... i dun wan this to continue i wan it to be back to normal be my friend.. please.. *** forgive me if i done anything wrong..... please.. i wont forgive myself if u dont forgive me..
Monday, December 6, 2010
Lol i dont know
I dont know if u guys still see this but... yeah..hi... anyone can tell me how to be a more better person than i am now??
Monday, November 15, 2010
Why shud it happen to me....... :'(
Haizzz guys ... long time no see well.. its been rather a bad time for me these days... u know y? coz dunno y im been feeling weird and very ignored. by some particular people... haizzz i seriously wan to chat with her but dunno why i cant...T_T and in th eother hand... the other one.. dun care... haizz... why...!!~~~~~~~ im no unhappy and superior sad....
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Finally i got the persons name..and its so nice..xD hahaha
For 4 months trying just to get the name of that perosn.... and yesterday i finally found out the name!! yeah.. cant really tell if not my friends would be like =.= wo the hell is that incomming for more post yeah?? come back soon... please and thank kiew ..:D
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Long time loai lur..^^
haih sorry arr ppl i long time dint post anything .... thats because im kinda busy lately and just finish exam... so cant use computer...well now im back so... get ready for more post yeah?? hehehhe... please and thank kiew.. :D
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Yo everybody!!!
Okay .. how to start this? ermm.. yeah so i just found out that I'm gonna be singing infront of over 1k + people at wesley methodist university....WOW!! I'm so excited ... and its founders day...The Boy's Brigade Founder's day !@! yeah... so we'll be basically singing 5 songs which is the time has come, kings of majesty,hossana, and the other 2 i 4get..sorrry..los...bad memory..>.< they will be like 4 musicians which is the lead guitar= shon sern , rythm guitar= shon yin.( bros) bass guitar = kar fei drums= yong qian and the singers will be at the number of 4 singers. And they are offcourse me, benny tham, johnny tham, and jun kit. the singers are all from PESTA SO U GUYS ARE GONNA HAVE THE BEST SONGS EVER BEEN SINGED!! XD... well..not to mention bout the musicians..they are also very good.... the best in a musician myself actually but i'll take my chances to play and my chances to sing.... since were lack of singers so i took the singeing job and gave someone else the guitar job.So...what else to tell u guys ermm... and yeah! were lack of amps and a bass guitar actually=.= dunno why the bass guitar knows how to play the bass guitar but don't own one..but nvm..anyone can help me..i mean, us to find amp for the bass and elec guitar and borrow a bass guitar just for one day..T_T...your help is really appreciated ..>.<
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Am i that bad in typing!?!
argh.....lols!! hahhhahahahahahahaha... today i dunno why im feeling so blur... almost every word i typed wrong spelling..xD.... and a chocolate bar.. toblerone bar.. i typed it toolbars...OMGEE~~~~~~~~!@!!!@#$%^ while chatting with an alien that came from mars.. so fun@#@# muahahahaaha xDD... haih... laughe till cried..>.< Its gonna be a night .. to remember!!
today after so long finally go back BB ..... yay..^^.... so what i do in BB was... band lor,...but dint practice for BandsMan award..>.<.... haih..then...when im taking exam.. i was sweating in an aircond room... my intructor was looking at me... i was like...holy crap... did i done something wrong..xD!@!@! then finish~~~~ i was so relief....>.< and then went for worship with GB...lols..quite bored well i sang with all my heart while praising GOD!!! woooohoooo... after that.. i went for CE class.oso fun lur played a game...then drill!@!@ wah.. sap sap sui lah..learn some new marching stuffs..xD then games!!@!@ blek..:P but i 4get bring my sport shoes...T_T...have to wear boots play malu and mafan..cant jump high enough to play volley ball....aiyo,... but without me they wouldnt had win.xD!@!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Did time just select *nitros*? Haizzzz
WOW...... my life as a 13 year old boy is coming to an END.... i dunno why time past so fast.... and its 2 weeks holiday... dint much done anything for the past 2 weeks... =.=..... just doing my sejarah project which is ,.. like .. given since MAY.... :( cant finish...haizz... today is the last 3 pages left so mayB today im gonna finish it. But what am i gonna do after that? Hhhhmmmmm===== well even if i want to play my guitar.... i got no amplifier for my electric guitar... haih.. but... it's okay. i Got my acoustic and classical guitar in my spare..but i wonder how it feels to rock in my house! XD :D .. but not today i im at home..doing hand-standing??!! lols... well im starting to like breakdance suddenly... so i tried some moves and techniques...well worked out after all...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
This is the song that.. i myselft wrote it for u.... although it dint worked out.. have fun^_^..
Now nothin can take u away from me...
We bin down that raod before..
But its over now..
U keep me comming back for more.
Baby ure all that i want...
When Ure lyin here in my arms...
Im finding it hard to believe ...
Were not together....
And love is all that i need...
And i found it there in ur heart...
It isnt hard to see...Were in love
Once in ur life u find someone..
Who will turn ure world around
Bring u up and down when ure feeling down...
Nothing can change wat u mean to me...
Theres lots that i could say....
But justhold me now...
coz our love could light the way...
We bin down that raod before..
But its over now..
U keep me comming back for more.
Baby ure all that i want...
When Ure lyin here in my arms...
Im finding it hard to believe ...
Were not together....
And love is all that i need...
And i found it there in ur heart...
It isnt hard to see...Were in love
Once in ur life u find someone..
Who will turn ure world around
Bring u up and down when ure feeling down...
Nothing can change wat u mean to me...
Theres lots that i could say....
But justhold me now...
coz our love could light the way...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Not quite i expected......
I tot it would be a very fun and enjoyable today but... not the fun not that enjoyable..... saw my friends.... well was happy...but all enden at a shop..======== ==========
======== ______ ===========
======== ______ ===========
Thursday, September 2, 2010
BNTS IS STARTING TOMMOROW!@!! woohoooo cant wait ~!@#$%^&*( so excited!!@! well... so ... i wont be online till monday so...yeah.!@!@!@@! its gonna be da best camp eva!@!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Its the end....
i just found out..that... the person i adore and like...and want tot be with just deleted me from her friendlist...well.... if thats it.. then its the end... but... ill take my chances to move on and start a new journey to find a new person to be with 4eva... i think that happen bcoz of many reasons.... one..only met for 4 days..not actually met..but... only look at her..T_T...and never talked b4... my friends ask me to go talk to her but.. to shy.... i regret that day,..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
***** ********THE END***************
***** ********THE END***************
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
One heck of a shirt!!
lols....i just found out..that i have the zon bangsar t shirt for 2008,2009,2010.
lol.s...those shirts brings back lots of memorable memories...that can never be forgotten....
well...its stays in my mind all the time
especially the friends i made in those years.... they will always be my friend..and the first girl i liked... was in 2008..and i still saw her in 2010 after so long!
well..thats it for gals..xDD ...
im talking memories ...... sometimes....the things u wanna 4get u remembered and the thing u want to remember is forgotten...well... but for the one i just talked about ... is like that memory is so memorable untill its like part of my life... i will everyday think about it... never forget...
Once in a life time....means theres no second do it ..or its now or never...
lol.s...those shirts brings back lots of memorable memories...that can never be forgotten....
well...its stays in my mind all the time
especially the friends i made in those years.... they will always be my friend..and the first girl i liked... was in 2008..and i still saw her in 2010 after so long!
well..thats it for gals..xDD ...
im talking memories ...... sometimes....the things u wanna 4get u remembered and the thing u want to remember is forgotten...well... but for the one i just talked about ... is like that memory is so memorable untill its like part of my life... i will everyday think about it... never forget...
Once in a life time....means theres no second do it ..or its now or never...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I wanna know the person!@!@ arghh!! so prettay!@!
Today 18 august 2010 .. at my tuition i saw a person sitting infront of me ... and i was hair...the hair is like very straight and perfect 4 the person... but when i cant see coz she was blocking..... me..i go to the side..while at the side..i saw the persons face ..... my mind went...( so darn pretty and hot ) and she looks like some1 i know... like twins leh!! 100% like twins.... wow... im impressed..the young version of the person i know..which is so pretty...^_^..
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Should i...?? actually i want too very ??!!!!..T_T
Since Pesta ended i start think about a girl....which is the girl i like...but... somethings blocking my way..and theres a problem too...i barely talked to her...see her...and met her... ive only seen her for like...4day or 5?? not long...but i dont know why i can let go of her.... i want to have much,,,,.. but if u just let me talk to you..and tell u wad i feel bout you..mayB we can be atleast best friend... then continue growing until it is the rite do wat is right to do.... well...please..gimme a chance...and u know that girl.... help me..and i mayB can help u too...
My blog is going nearer the grave!@!@! NO!!!
OOOOoopsss....dint post stuffs for very long time d...soz everyone...bcoz got lots of buisness to do .... and work and other i hope that i can try and post something...about everyday?? when its important to it... ill start the new one with the next post..
Monday, August 2, 2010
I promise i wont do it again.*PinkieSwear*
So sorry for wat i had you..and now i hope that ur okay..if your okay im okay...glad to hear wont do it my life..
had fun again!!!
Chat with Claudia..and Benjamin... lol..had fun...and it was so weird..their voices are so..( MAN ) ... xDD claudia 's wan..abit change..but still nice to hear..^_^ the jokes i told were...all common sense rite??hahahaha... and the!!@! and one more..question become lotions!!! xDD
Saturday, July 31, 2010
OMG!!!! did i just threw something heavier...and i dint get last..againts adults??
OMG.!!@ TODAY JUST WENT TO COMPETITION.. LONTAR PELURU! when i 1st tot that the peluru is 5.45kg...but when i go to the peluru ground.. i saw a 7.46kg BALL..!@!@!@! AND I WAS LIKE wtf!@!@!@ im so dead.. it turns out that im gonna throw a 7.46kg ball....OMg!! but although its heavy i tried my best..and i got number 8 among 11 ppl..which is all adult and 1 of my best throw is 9.33m..with 7.46 kg..!! THEEHEEE...THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Did i just grew stonger?!?!?
Today at the field... i was training shot put competition.... im fighting againts the TERBUKA...U KNWO WATS TERBUKA..its 5.45KG BALL......and....anyways... just now i just threw that ball for 11.6M...AND THATS like WOW!!!! then when i saw the book of records... i just break the number negeri to train more!!!! need to be number 1!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I need!! help!!! but no wire..argh!!
Haizz.... i got lots of pics to upload but i lost my camera wire...dunno where is it now...sien lah... all my latest photo... all cannot upload... i wanna show u guys something that.... i have a weapon...a very weird weapon..but cool!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
WAHALO!!!!! some skype....they talk very weird.!!!! in english..lols!!! and IM ONNLINE IN SCHOOL@!@!! theeeeheeeee
Sunday, July 25, 2010
What... a week!!
ON 24TH JULY mbsskl HAD THEIR school carnival..which is..kinda bored for me...and..tiring
Although i was tiring.... met my unseen friends....which is all...gals..well..i had fun...and i PASS MY TARGET AWARD BADGE EXAM!@!!@! TEEEEHEEEE...SO GONNA CELEBRATE!!
Although i was tiring.... met my unseen friends....which is all...gals..well..i had fun...and i PASS MY TARGET AWARD BADGE EXAM!@!!@! TEEEEHEEEE...SO GONNA CELEBRATE!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Had fun...!!^_^
So guys... long time no see...well.. today i have a basketball training practice...with some filipino ppl...and one guai lou..... they were so darn tall... they were like a GIANT WALL TO ME!!so got training lor...he teach us how to shoot....well it actually often CHOP!! ball D..^_^....kinda looking foward to the next training
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Best camp EVA!!!!
For the past 3 days i have just attend the 1st KL Boy's Brigade Boot Camp 2010..and it rock.!!!! although had alot of punishment...which is we deserve it....well..had alot of fun... and i hope that all the boot campers will never forget what they learned in boot camp..especially those who join this year.... and TARGET exam was held on kinda easy but abit hard..weird..?!?! but i made a stupid spelling mistake.. but hope that Mr. Cheong dint see the spelling just read then gimme a full mark..So... ill pray hard...AND TO ALL COMmity member... thx for teaching us..and help the boys to the correct way of THE CORRECT can help to train your arm streagth u wont feel so pain when u do push ups next time..^_^...well. thats all...THX!@!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 EVER..!!
Today after school i went and play football..... while i was palying.... i felt like doing i went and to it twice....if felt FANTASTIC... so after that i went and play basketball..... i had a match with the form 1 other was a fun game...after that.... i went and buy water...bbcoz thirsty lor..then...suddenly some lower 6 guys ajak us play basketball with them..and have a have match lor..then..later on.. my team its close...well..its bcoz at that very moment.... i was very tired and my leg abit cram i just push to the limit....after so lor....then i feel like go to the field...and then....RUN.....i use full speed but not fast ..coz tired so..i just continue...after that....while i running... i fell down,....and realised....that my entire leg has i stood at the field..for 5 minutes.....then my friend give me my water bottle..but...wats the say take my cover the sunlight,,,,so...after that....i was walking with two nearly paralised took 15 walk from the basketball...untill the teres...that LONG....later , walk to my moms car and go mandi..sleep .... then now..
Monday, July 12, 2010
Perhaps its time to change??
Its been along time since.... i am myself..nowadays.... i keep using my abilities... to show in "show off" ... but after i done that..... i feel very dissapointed... bcoz...wats the use of showing off to ppl.... there are always someone who is better than you....Lets say usain bolt....he's the fastest man on one can beat him.....eventhough he's the fastest.....some1 and someday he wil be beaten.....anythings possible.....I have decided.... im going to change my attitude.... and spend my life doing wat i like most....Is to be with my friends....and family....thats the most important thing in life...spend in wisely...U only got extra....Once in a life time...Means there's no second chance..So i believe that i should grab it while i can....
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thnks for the help!!!!
yay..... i got some music in my blog now...and all thanks to....JOYCE LOW!!!! she help me put thanks alot Joyce.!!! love ya!!!@!@!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Lol....loose the futsal match
haih...dint win the futsal match loose at the first match...not enough teamates....haih..nvm.... but still a fun game...they also loose at the second match...haha....well.... i show mercy bcoz i wearing tennis shoe...i dint wear for the futsal match
Friday, July 9, 2010
Wow...tommorow got futsal match.!!@! argh!!!..
I gotta getma getma head in the game...dont stop believin...and never give..up....haha.u might wonder y i wrote u can see the title is about is the futsal competition among my school match is knockout if i loose forever so..have to win ... getma haead in the game...and never give up
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Lol....gotta admit is a fun day..^_^
Might have very things to say bout today but..ill just continue.... usual go to school bla bla...take something from my friend then...go classs study..then..after school...2 of my friends..brought their i join them...and play along... while playing...we went to the canteen of the chuirch property...while playing it was so hot so i try on the fan..then ann asshole guard....came p to me ..and say...why u on the fan...u know now the bill of electricity...very told..okok..i tutup...then...i turn around a show an unseen middle finger to that...had no choice have to go other place..coz no fan...can die wan go to one classroom...everyone was like...finally got some wind...later on..paly paly lor...after makan....i belanja them....lah..coz 2 linggit.oni lah...after sit LRT...with one of my was so space to move...but have to squeeze..then more came in...then next stop even more came friend that was holding the guitar...was like...dont touch me...after 10 minutes of misery .... finally all of them went out..... at the same station as i was....and i was like....YEAH!!!...but then..when i want to give the ticket...i saw the line..was like.over the long...and that took...5 minutes....later...finish..sit TEXI...go home...mandi..sleep,eat, and now writing this hope u enjoy....coem back for more...posts..^_^./..xD
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wondering wats gonna happen ....
If u could stay for a moment.... i will tell you everything i feel aobut you.... i hope one day...or soon .. that will happen...bcoz... I love you... i will never give up...if u accept me.... i would be as happy as u are now...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Its been so long....
hey everybody.....hows it hanging..... well.. if youre asking feeling kinda great....but abit sad......youll know soong....errr..and......u might wonder why i never post stuff till now... its bcoz..i got no time... coz... i kinda had a feeling of studying more...and more on the reason.... So... the topic i want to tell u guys about is...Be who u are and not somebody else..
If youre doing something youre not use to it....and never stop..... that means your not yourself....
U have to do wat youre use to doing..dont be someone that u arent....coz u will never be him.. topic is this bcoz...ive experience it...and its not good...but not ive change
If youre doing something youre not use to it....and never stop..... that means your not yourself....
U have to do wat youre use to doing..dont be someone that u arent....coz u will never be him.. topic is this bcoz...ive experience it...and its not good...but not ive change
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
haih....failed this year title for today is very sad for me but i dont know for u ..... i loss .... i failed to get number 1... but i manage to get number 3 .... regret,... and i need more training.....teachers !!! i need more training...and the rightschool!!!!if possible .. i wan go SRI SENTOSA..i have quite some friends there...well.... in form 2 ... i will if can
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Time to do my thing..
Tommorow is my event ... so....have to get alot of rest...and drink alot of water
Monday, May 3, 2010
Long time ago.!!!
hey guys long time no see....sorry for not posting stuffs...but ...yeah been buzy lately so...ill continue from today onwards....^^...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Lol.....long time no post stuffs already..coz busy with studies and sports...and also the Boys alot of stuffs to do these ill try to post something everyday,,,,
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Just wat i said....i said it .. i did it..
Hehe...just got number 1 in lontar peluru.. in under 15 level...and thge distance was only beat the zone ... i must hit .. gotta train harder..!!! arghhh....
Monday, March 1, 2010
Haih....dint win but it's cool..
Today i went for first event was up then borrow my frined spike.. he has the onloy size for my feet they call to register my name to the race .. i register walk to the track...i was like wat the hell ...firs ttime wearing spike and using the metal thing push my timer so its kinda like that lah...when ging to start ... the GUN pow...!!!!! THEN I RUN LIKE HELL..!!!! GOT number 3...and my time is 21.61..that was very good!!! my time dint even get to go semifinal...coa they oni count number 1 and number 2 oni..wat lah..weh....haih..but NVM tommorow im gonna join under 15 lontar im gonna steal the gold medal!!! so ..cheer for me yah.??? ^_^
Friday, February 26, 2010
It was a pain on my thye!!
oMG ..... just now i was eating porraige.... dont know how to spell...btw...back to the topic..while i was eating...i was goona take my teh ice drink infront of me...and also infront of the porraige...while taking... my elbow..hit the bowl..and the whole porraige was poured on my pants...i was lIKE .... wat the FUC* .... MY THYE WAWS LIKE IT WAS ON FIRE...but i kept that to myslf..and tahan the still pain...and then.. my fathers turn...after he put the teh ice on a chair ... when i want to take and drink he take for me lah..his finger hit the teh ice..the pured on the floor...wasted my teh ice..X_X...then no drink to hard to walk leh me,...with my thye so darn hot..!!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
wah...very tired..X_X..
Today after school..ran number 1 ..but a failed one...X_X..bryan is so nwear behind i was gonna loose..just bcoz i had a good the beginning...but b4 all that.. i went for long brown colour have to go have to wait...then when it's yellow turn..i jump lor..i so not good in lompat jauh...but i simply jump then i crss forms five's level distance..0.o...i was like omg...then after all both 400m and long jump..i played basketball. Played for quite some time...and the form 1 own the form 2 and 3 above leh....why..bcoz we have more training than them!!! so to improve ... work harder and do your best..^.^
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
2moro test leh..!!!!
lol...tommorow is the test that we can proove our english is good...i heard that it is very6 hard.... so it will be a chalenge for me to sit...^.^... and if we past or get the top 75 well get to change our class...i like to change my class.. but i feel like staying too..but which one to choose..???hmmm..
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Just came back from Melaka....!!!
wow.....Melaka was fun....first day drive there... was so bored.... i kept hearing the same song....
( GEE ) lol...coz i like that song...when we reach there.....first thing i do is ...EAT..COZ DINT EAT LUNCH AT IT WAS ALREADY 7.. so...after that..took a swim in the swimming pool....when i tried to open my eyes in the eye was like burning ... coz they put alot or chlorocs..or something...damn it still hurts swim in the water while closing my eyes...but me and my cousins played water polo .. very cool game....nice...then...we went to east supper at 10.30 or those damn spicythings man!!!! felt like i was in HELL!!! drank a jug or watermelon juice...then went to go buang air came out and it took 2 minu8tes to finish it's was weird...after went back ... rest for awhile then sleep..NExt Day .. went to water that was fun too...the last game we took was the 7 stories slide made my i was like falling ... and i felt like i got a wedgy...omg...that really sucks.....then went back... rest ..bath... eat ... sleep for awhile..then dint go anywhere .... so play some black jack..won RM 10...then loose RM 20...shit...then after that went o wash up then sleep....NExt DaYpack up... went back thn now..typing hope u enjoyed it...and a happy new year...^.^
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Gong Xi Facai Everybody
A very happy new year to everyone...hope u enjoy your holidays can ... get your ANGPAUS...hehe...
Friday, February 12, 2010
Ohw...yah...2009.... to start....quite a long story...ermmm...oklah...
2009 was one of the best years of my life..
Infact .... it was the BEST OF THE BEST!!
Life in standard 6 was a momerial year that cannot be forget...
And thought that i am the tallest in school...biggest ( FIT )
An was also a prefect....and best entertainer
Yeah ...had the best teachers in year 6
All the teachers are very kind to me except for SAW THROUGHT MAN..
His voice was like a monster ,
He sounded like a man that accidentaly drop his adam's apple on the floor and cannot find in in a million years.!!!
Besides him...all the other teachers are the best teacher !!!
They ROCK!!!
Sports in MBSKL 2009
2009 spots day was the best...bcoz....LOKE YEW BROKE the chow thye record after these years..!!!!!
but only more than them by 4 ...all the event that i join i won first...^.^
And tarik drop a sweat the we won first...THEEEEEHEEEE
And i was awarded as an athelic for the school.....( THE PRO )
And im the pengerusi of LOKE YEW and also the KETUA KONTIGEN for Hari Sukan=)
Lol....and i hope that this year LOKE YEW WILL win again..( sure cannot )
Chow Thye year 5 are good...but still not good as
Olahraga 3 weeks camp... first i tot wtf...a 3 week camp at UPM( univercity putra malaysia ) walao leh..dont know how much T-shirt i should bring ... and underwear...pasti tak cukup..
The training was fun..i also met alot of friends...there...and i hope i will see them again this year if i events..^.^
And it was HISTORY for KL to break the fastest woman runnign under 18...!!! wooohooo
After the 3 weeks training the day has come...that i compete with the other states..
it ws suppose to be 2 months...but my teacher gave me the form to late...suck!!!
And my coach said if i had came early i would w100% win GOLD!!
Although i come a few weeks late.....I still get NUMBER 3 IN MALAYSIA.!!!
And i got some $$ from the pengetua KL sports team...yeah....that was cool/
Infact .... it was the BEST OF THE BEST!!
Life in standard 6 was a momerial year that cannot be forget...
And thought that i am the tallest in school...biggest ( FIT )
An was also a prefect....and best entertainer
Yeah ...had the best teachers in year 6
All the teachers are very kind to me except for SAW THROUGHT MAN..
His voice was like a monster ,
He sounded like a man that accidentaly drop his adam's apple on the floor and cannot find in in a million years.!!!
Besides him...all the other teachers are the best teacher !!!
They ROCK!!!
Sports in MBSKL 2009
2009 spots day was the best...bcoz....LOKE YEW BROKE the chow thye record after these years..!!!!!
but only more than them by 4 ...all the event that i join i won first...^.^
And tarik drop a sweat the we won first...THEEEEEHEEEE
And i was awarded as an athelic for the school.....( THE PRO )
And im the pengerusi of LOKE YEW and also the KETUA KONTIGEN for Hari Sukan=)
Lol....and i hope that this year LOKE YEW WILL win again..( sure cannot )
Chow Thye year 5 are good...but still not good as
Olahraga 3 weeks camp... first i tot wtf...a 3 week camp at UPM( univercity putra malaysia ) walao leh..dont know how much T-shirt i should bring ... and underwear...pasti tak cukup..
The training was fun..i also met alot of friends...there...and i hope i will see them again this year if i events..^.^
And it was HISTORY for KL to break the fastest woman runnign under 18...!!! wooohooo
After the 3 weeks training the day has come...that i compete with the other states..
it ws suppose to be 2 months...but my teacher gave me the form to late...suck!!!
And my coach said if i had came early i would w100% win GOLD!!
Although i come a few weeks late.....I still get NUMBER 3 IN MALAYSIA.!!!
And i got some $$ from the pengetua KL sports team...yeah....that was cool/
And i miss my friends there too...But nvm... i will try and win this years events...and this year will be harder bcoz...this year i entered 3 events ...and that is 100m...lontar peluru and 4x100m...
hope i win all.... and also win all in MSSMKL..
The day when i get my UPSR results i was scared that i will get 3 A 2B...
I was nervous...but i stand tall and brave...when cikgu Sofi called my name...i stand quickly and go to Puan Suzie..and take my results..
When i heard that i get 4A1B i was so damn happy that i jump like hell...and slide on the floor...wooohoooo
After that we celebrate our konvokesyen edwin shon sern and loo sang THUNDER!!! /
hope i win all.... and also win all in MSSMKL..
The day when i get my UPSR results i was scared that i will get 3 A 2B...
I was nervous...but i stand tall and brave...when cikgu Sofi called my name...i stand quickly and go to Puan Suzie..and take my results..
When i heard that i get 4A1B i was so damn happy that i jump like hell...and slide on the floor...wooohoooo
After that we celebrate our konvokesyen edwin shon sern and loo sang THUNDER!!! /
Sorry for not posting for a few days...was very
OK....lazy wanna rite ill just start with today...2day was the last day or school b4 chinese new year holiday...yay...!!!!^.^ after school i had basketball training ... but it's not actually a training...just simply i play lor....wooohoooo....i was the king of rebounds!!! and abit of 2 pointer shot.. lay up still practicing with ppl defending me....and go pass through the opponent but doing a skill....those are the wans that im trying to master! ill keep trying my best to do so...THANKS FOR READING MY POSTS... come again for more post.=)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Another boring day..
Today was a boring day for me... same as usual wake and bla bla bla bla...go to study and study...then recess....sell PIZZA...out of stock then oder again,... then sell again the out of stock again..then go back to got homwork...then KH also got homwork....haih..tired of this.. i need more action in schooling times....
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Got back my watch ..^.^
YEAH..... finally got back my watch after 2 months sent for the watch is working they also help screw soem parts it looks cooler...=)
Had fun.... morening .. same as usual wake up brush my teeth .. then i dint eat my breakfast .. but i still went to basketball training.. while training my stomach was growling for food... un till i cant play properly...BLUEK!! after that i went to BB ... today's meeting was a normal meeting but got a selection for pesta team singing form one sang one song.. then thaey started choosing... one fo them is me...LOL....then for the others age also they choose another grp..later on we go for games..we played basketball like always .. but it was 20+ ppl!!! to many players untill cant play properly.. i only scored 2 shots... and te whole game has oni 2 scores... and thats by me..^.^.. lol....then went back and eat dinner... todays dinner was lamb!!!! SEEEEDAAAAAAP~!!!!! the lamb was fantasticly nice...very after that (THIS)
so thats all for today..=)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Today was tiring but... have a nice meal in the end..^.^
U might wonder why my title is( lazy wanna type ) ... ill xplain today after school i went for BB band practice... we wanna practice out formation so we can master it... after that our practiced is done..and i got 20 pump coz i drop my mouth piece ... i kinda used to pump alot so ... back to the topic... later on... i was waiting for my mom to come fetch me home .... i kept waiting and waiting ... then when i feel very bored i go and take a stick and spin around... i wanna try to become the drum major... so ( dint work ) lol...then after that i wait again after i play with te stick ... i waited while waiting i suddenly sleep ....until 6.15 .... and my mom still not hear yet
so after 5 minutes my mom came ...( i was like FINALY ) lol..then while i was in the car i ask my mom to buy me a QuaterPounder ... large i ate it... was so delicous!!! AFTER that went back take a shower...and start typing this story..... so hope u enjoyed it..
Stop by here again for more exciting POST!!! lol....=)
Stop by here again for more exciting POST!!! lol....=)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Today went for koperasi kelab interview .... the ask some questions that i can and cannot answer. So from now on, i will try hard to succeed my task's in the koperasi club.And theres another reason that i want to join and no one will ever
Olahraga practice..^.^
Today was the olahraga practice..we practice at the field..first we had to run 2 rounds around the field..then we do te leg was in pain i dunno why..and i finger was almost broke bcoz of yesterday's basketball game...i was try to get the rebound but instead i try to hit it...haih...and it hit my pinkie finger...=( now the shape is pointing ( timur laut ) as in NorthEast..anyways afterthat, we jump over cone's i dunno why and jog around the field while passing the patterns... im the last person...and the last person have to take the patern when the first guy drops it... as we were running i always 4get to take the pattern .. always have to run back and take the run back to them again...that was abit tiring.. later on , the coach tell us some stuffs about next week training. Then we were allowed to go back BUT!! B4 THAT ... the under 15 4x100 had to compete againts under 18 4x100... wow i tot that we will loose for sure but...we really did loose on the first round.. and then when the second round began.. we won..wooohoooo cheer for the under 15!!!!! Latly we went home...all te others when home .. but me ... i played abit of basketball under the rain .. now i feel like i having a fever or a cold...and legs cramming like shit...HAIH.....
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
No music...No life!!|
Life without music sucks...coz we got nothing to do if we have nothing to do...
Tryouts for tommoro!!!
tommorow they are having a tryout for olahraga to wakil sekolah, zon and then negeri if i gonna try join 100m...4x100 with my friends and lontar peluru.?^.^
Ermmm......wat to do....
Haih..these days i feel kinda bored... and dont know wat to u guys can call me if u want...=)
Argh... got a phone thast it's colour is pink..!!! lol....nvm coz my favourite is purple .. so it's abit kinda of similar lol..
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lol.....both number...1!!
Today after school i have house supporting yellow colour AKA Loke Yew. 1 ran 100m with my friend..bryan yap..and also one malay guy .. i won the 100m .. i was jogging bcoz my leg was on pain.....but my joggin speed turns out to win both of i to was also very impressed with myself...^.^..Next was 200m...teh form 1's were the 1st to we ran lah... the first 6 form one's boys yap..wong tuck ken and some others i dont know..then i won that was shocked that i get both number one..hehe....THEEEEEHEEEEEE.!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Normal day.. was a normal day for me....same as usual homework...and more homework..but after school....i went and play basketball...when we played more and more ppl came to teh court...mostly those students are form 2 ... they tot the can come play and bully way...i show no mercy...score some goals..then got 0...ahahahaha...they got owned...after awhile .. they leave.. mayB teh form 1's are better ..
Monday, January 25, 2010
My hair just got cut by a teacher...he ast like a hairstylist barber.... but he my hair abit change..but my friends still see me as if as nothing happen to my hair..^.^ thats good with hair is checked by the K.Pengawas..sommore...thats why FRIEND EDWIN dint kena coz his brother's friend let him go...zzzzzzzzzzzz..
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Woooohooooo......Boy's Brigade ...
This comming june pulao pinang is having BB pesta competition in singing , band , and drill,,,..... cool....cant wait!!1
u might wonder why my title ... is ( 17 ) coz today we had a cross country race...for all the stidents..but with different catagories...i ran with form 1 and form 2.... loose to 16 ppl...haih...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
i like this song!!!!!
Aha! Listen boy
My first love story
My angel and my girls
My sunshine
Uh! Uh! Let's go!
Neomuneomu meotjyeo nuni nuni busyeo
Sumeul mot swigesseo tteollineun girl
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby
Oh neomu bukkeureowo chyeodabol su eobseo
Sarange ppajyeosseo sujubeun girl
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby
Gee Gee Gee Gee Bab Bab Bab Bab Bab Bab
Eotteoke hajyo (eotteokhajyo)
Tteollineun maeum (tteollineun mameunyo)
(Dugeundugeundugeundugeun) dugeun dugeungeoryeo bamen jamdo mot irujyo
Naneun naneun babongabwayo
Geudae geudaebakke moreuneun babo geuraeyo geudael boneun nan
Neomu banjjak banjjak nunibusyeo No No No No No
Neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Neomu jjaritjjarit momi tteollyeo Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee
Jeojeun nunbit Oh Yeah joheun hyanggi Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah
Oh neomu neomu yeppeo mami neomu yeppeo
Cheotnune banhaesseo kkok jjibeun girl
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby
Neomuna tteugeowo manjil suga eobseo
Sarange tabeoryeo hukkeunhan girl
Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby
Gee Gee Gee Gee Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
Eojjeomyeon joha (eojjeomyeon johayo)
Sujubeun naneun (sujubeun naneunyo)
Molla mollahamyeo maeil geudaeman geurijyo
Chinhan chingudeureun malhajyo
Jeongmal neoneun jeongmal motmallyeo
Babo hajiman geudael boneun nan
Neomu banjjak banjjak nunibusyeo No No No No No
Neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Neomu jjaritjjarit momi tteollyeo Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee
Jeojeun nunbit Oh Yeah joheun hyanggi Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah
Maldo motaenneun geol neomu bukkeureowo haneun nal
Yonggiga eomneungeolkka eotteokhaeya joheungeolkka
Dugeundugeun mam jorimyeo barabogo inneun na
Neomu banjjak banjjak nunibusyeo No No No No No
Neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Neomu jjaritjjarit momi tteollyeo Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee
Jeojeun nunbit Oh Yeah joheun hyanggi Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah
Neomu banjjak banjjak nunibusyeo No No No No No
Neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Neomu jjarit jjarit momi tteollyeo Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee
Jeojeun nunbit Oh Yeah joheun hyanggi Oh Yeah Yeah Yeah
Monday, January 11, 2010
WOW.....quite some time no post continue high school has started so .... not much time can post stuff and... upload pic..but i rarely upload nvm bout that...and if wanna chat u can call me or text me ... b4 u call u must tell your name if i dunno you then u must tell me who are u friends if u are interested my number is 0162709608...or chat in messenger my email is i know its a weird emai but... i made it while i was 8 so....i got many kinds or imagination so yeah... that;s how is all for the moments....pls and thank you =) ^.^
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